2023 - 2024 Florida
  Public Lands Inventory
Canopy Road Sunshine Skyway Florida Blue Heron Paynes Prairie Manasota Key Florida Oak
 PLI Code Look-Up
 Agency Data by PLI Code
 Agency Data by County
 Parcels by S-T-R
 Agency Data by S-T-R
 Property by Parcel ID
 County Codes
 Single Entity Totals
 Report Summaries
 Explanation of Information

Look up the Public Lands Inventory four-digit code

Enter the Name of a Government Agency, then select Process

Use this search page if you do not know your agency's four-digit code. Enter the name of the agency, then click the "Process" button. If you do not get results, try entering a partial name for your agency. For example, if you are searching for Tallhassee Housing Authority, type Tallahassee or just Tall. You should get a list with all entities with the spelling Tallahassee or Tall. When you find your agency's code, click the button on the left, Agency Data by PLI Code to use this code to search for your agency's data. If no code is returned, try typing in only a key word - for example, if you are searching for the four-digit code for Orlando Utilities Commission, just type in "Orlando" then click the "Process" button. Several agency names will appear, all with the word "Orlando" in them. Click the underlined four-digit PLI code for the agency whose data you want to obtain.

  Prepared for


The State of Florida
Department of Environmental Protection

The Public Lands Research Program
Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida