2023 - 2024 Florida
  Public Lands Inventory
Canopy Road Sunshine Skyway Florida Blue Heron Paynes Prairie Manasota Key Florida Oak
 PLI Code Look-Up
 Agency Data by PLI Code
 Agency Data by County
 Parcels by S-T-R
 Agency Data by S-T-R
 Property by Parcel ID
 County Codes
 Single Entity Totals
 Report Summaries
 Explanation of Information
Your four digit Public Lands Inventory (PLI) code is required in order to view data for your agency.
Please enter a four digit PLI code, then select Process.
Allow a few moments for your search to yield results. Note that some searches take longer than others.
The Public Lands Inventory (PLI) is generated from the current Ad Valorem tax roll tapes obtained from the Department of Revenue (DOR) of The State of Florida. For the current PLI, the acreage totals do not reflect the state total acreage; this is due to the fact that the acreage figure cannot be calculated for all the land-unit values of the DOR data base file.

  Prepared for


The State of Florida
Department of Environmental Protection

The Public Lands Research Program
Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida